Tuesday, 30 December 2014

When Inspiration strikes...

Having just been diagnosed as a case of adult HFMD, and having to eat, breathe and live Dettol for the past few days, I found a sudden inspiration to create this blog called The Dettol Diaries

Of course, it is also out of sheer boredom that pushed me to do this, considering I am quarantined at home with nothing to do. Walking is arduous for me as every step/twitch I take triggers the itch of the multitude of rashes peppering my sole. Basically, it feels like you're stepping on a thousand mosquito bites on your sole. So I am just confined to my bed and the best way to stop thinking about the itch and keep my fingers busy is to type.

I told my Sister (whose babies passed the HFMD to me) about my bright idea...

Sister: What will you write about? Don't be rash.

Me: I'm just itching to write something.

Sister: I'll lend you a hand... and foot...

Me: I suppose this blog will be my... MOUTHpiece.


That's right, my throat still hurts like hell. Every swallow feels like a million knives tearing my throat apart in a thousand different directions. It is a pain to swallow even my own saliva, so I'm trying to minimize talking as well.

So I will just make use of this blog to chronicle the HFMD journey of an adult.

And to the online literature out there that states that HFMD is not itchy for adults, please let me assure you that is completely UNTRUE. It is taking every fibre of my being to resist scratching the angry red rashes on my feet, or even twitching my feet just so I can get 1 second of relief from the itch.

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